Surgical Services

Dr. Ceravolo's practice provides a variety of surgical services. He prides himself on the fact that he is very conservative in his treatment recommendations and limit surgery to the areas where it is absolutely necessary. Periodontal procedures are available to regenerate the bone and gum tissue to their original function and cosmetic appearance.

Osseous Surgery

Traditionally, moderate to severe gum disease is treated by eliminating the gum pockets through small incisions around the teeth, removal of diseased tissue, thorough cleaning of the teeth, recontouring the bone, and repositioning the gum tissue. Although this is still an effective way of treating gum disease, new and more sophisticated procedures are used routinely today.

Laser Surgery

Today, in mild to moderate cases of periodontal disease or in cases of medication-induced (i.e., heart or blood pressure) gum overgrowth (hyperplasia), laser periodontal therapy is an option. Laser therapy allows for the removal of the diseased lining of the gum created during the formation of periodontal disease and the removal of overgrown (hyperplastic) gum tissue, which develops in response to chronic periodontal disease. Following removal of the diseased gum lining, the teeth are thoroughly scaled and root planed allowing for reduction in gum pockets and a decrease in periodontal inflammation. Being less invasive than traditional osseous surgery, post-operative discomfort is minimal.

Guided Tissue Bone Regeneration




Interproximal Defects



Defects and pocketing eliminated
bone completely regenerated

This surgical procedure regenerates the previously lost gum and bone tissue. Most techniques utilize membranes, which are inserted over the bone defects. Membranes allow for the formation of new bone cells to stimulate new bone growth where bone loss occurred from periodontal disease. Sometimes these membranes are used in combination with bone grafting materials, which are both bioresorbable.

Treatment of Periodontal Disease

If you're diagnosed with periodontal disease, your periodontist may recommend periodontal surgery. Periodontal surgery is necessary when your periodontist determines that the tissue around your teeth is unhealthy and cannot be repaired with non-surgical treatment. Following are the four types of surgical treatments most commonly prescribed:

  • Pocket Reduction Procedures
  • Regenerative Procedures
  • Crown Lengthening
  • Soft Tissue Grafts

If you've already lost a tooth to periodontal disease, you may be interested in dental implants – the permanent tooth replacement option.